What is IP adress and how can you find your device IP address

What is an IP (Internet Protocol) address ?

Let's start with computers and Internet, communicate with each other with underground or underwater cables or wirelessly. For example; If I want to download a file from the Internet, then my computer should have an address so that other computers and Internet can find and locate my computer in terms that address what computer is called IP address.

Let us understand it with another example. Like if someone wants to send you a mail, then he or she should have your home address. Similarly, your computer also needs an address so that computers and Internet can send you a file that you want to download. That address in Internet terms is called IP address, which is nothing but a string of numbers written in a certain format. Not this comparison. This is your home address, which is identified by your area postman and you get all that is delivered in this address.

Similarly, this is your computer address, which is identified by the computers in the Internet, and you get all the downloads available at this computer address. This address is the IP address of your computer. IP address stands for Internet Protocol address. 

But what does this mean? Internet protocol is a set of rules that makes Internet work. You are able to Read this blog, this time at GipcodeX , only because your computer or your smartphone has an IP address and you do it sending you all the data related to this blog, to this IP address.

IP address is of two types, Internet Protocol Version 4 and Internet Protocol Version six. Internet Protocol Version 4 consists of four numbers separated with the door. Each number can range from 0 (Zero) to 255 in decimal numbers. But computers do not understand this decimal numbers. So these numbers are converted to binary form, which is computer understandable. Therefore, in binary decisions can be written as 00000000211111111 says each number and is represented by a group of eight binary digits.

So the whole IP address is represented by a sequence of 32 ones and zeros, or simply, I should say, by a sequence of 32 bits. So I believe it is a 32 bit address in IP for a unique sequence of ones and zeros is assigned to each computer. 

Therefore, a total of tourists to about 32 devices. That is, approximately four billion devices can be addressed and connected to Internet with IP before. But there is a problem with this 32 bit IP for address with IP before we can connect only this amount of devices to Internet.

But these days we have devices like computers, smartphones, far more than four billion. So, slowly we are moving towards IP address, which is a 128 bit IP address in human friendly form IP, which is written as a group of eight hexadecimal numbers, separated with columns, for example, in human friendly form. The IP address can be written like this while in computer friendly form. IP address can be written by a sequence of 128 one's or zero's says a unique sequence of ones and zeros is given to each computer connected to Internet.

So with IPV six, a total of two days to pass 128 devices can be connected to Internet. That is IP. We can address this amount of devices, which is actually far more than enough for many future generations to find your computer's public IP address.

Without this numeric protocol, we will not be able to connect to Internet and without Internet we would be standing in long queues to get our print because we would be looking at newspapers to see where jobs are available and we would be buying storage devices like CDs because without Internet cloud storage would not work. So IP addresses must for Internet connection. IP address can be classified as dynamic IP address and static IP addresses.

Starting the dynamic IP address is, When you connect your device like smartphone or computer to Internet, Internet service provider provides you an IP address from the range of available IP addresses. Now your device has an IP address so you can connect your device to Internet and send and receive data to and from the computers in Internet. Next time you connect your device to Internet, your Internet service provider provides you some different IP address. But from the same available range says IP address keeps on changing every time you connect your device to the Internet.So, such IP addresses are called dynamic IP addresses.

 Now, static IP addresses, static IP addresses never change as permanent Internet address. Static IP addresses are used by DNS servers. What are the servers? Actually, these are computers that help you to open a website in your computer. Static IP addresses provides information such as device is located in which continent, which country, which city and which Internet service provider provides Internet connection to that device. Once we know who is the Internet service provider, we can trace the location of the device connected to the Internet.

Therefore, IP address allows billions of digital devices to be pinpointed. Static IP addresses are considered somewhat less secure than dynamic IP addresses because they are easier to track. However, safe Internet practices can help you to keep your computer secure, no matter what type of IP address you use. 

How to Find Your device's IP address ?

It is very easy to know your device's IP address!

1. To know your computer or Laptop's IP address just open your Windows start menu, right click on 'My Network Places' , and you will get a list of some options, in that click on 'properties' you will see a Network Connections screen. Then find an option of  'Wireless Network Connection' or 'Local Area connection' Then open support tab and click on 'Details' Your IP address is Visible to you now!

follow this : Start menu >Right click on My network places > properties > Wireless  network connections > details.

2. To know your smartphone's IP adress just open Settings, then scroll down to 'about device' option, goto 'status' and you will find your IP address here with some other information such as IMEI or Wifi mac address :Mobile operators and ISPs also provide a so-called public IP address.

Follow this : Settings > Status > IP address.

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