How To Install WiFislax operating system On Vmware : WiFi hacking

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In this article you will learn how to install WiFislax OS in your system on VMware.

This Operating system is specially made for WiFi hacking, Man in the middle attack, pentesting purposes. 

WiFiSlax :

WiFislax is a slackware GNU / Linux distribution. It is designed for wireless hacking and formensics. WiFislax includes a long list of security and audit tools for wireless networking. 

It has a large integration of several unofficial network in the linux kernal, and provides immediate support for a large number of wired and wireless network cards.

WiFislax is used for creating and designing exploitss, sniffers, forensic analytics, wireless audit, wifi security, network analysis, numerous ports scanning and vulnerabilities scanning.

You can use this operating system live like kali linux, parrot OS, ubuntu etc, you can install it in your hard disk and also you can install in VM ware.

So, Let's see how to install this OS in VMware. 

First of all we have to Donload ISO file of that operating system from Google, simply by typing WiFislax.(Download ISO file of 64 bit or according to your need.)

Steps to install WiFiSlax OS in Vmware :

Step-1 :

Open your VMware, and follow the path : Plyer>File>New Virtual Machine  or ctrl+n

Now, select the ISO image of your operating system and click on Browse then click on Next button.

You will find another options on your screen, select the operating system Linux, then select 'Ubuntu 64 bit' as a version (If you don't find the version you have download in the list), then click on next. 

It will ask you for your Virtual Machine name, give it a name. 

Step-2 :

Now, You have to give the oerating system some space to install. So, allow some space according to your choice (10Gb recommanded),Click on next. 

Now the setup for Virtual machine is Done. If you want to modify more settings like Ram Rom etc, you can do it by clicking on 'Customize Hardware'. 

Now, Click on Finish. and its ready to work.

Click on Play.

Step-3 :

In this operating system, Spanish language is set by default.

if you dont change the language then all the things you do on this OS will only show in spanish language. 

To change the language click on 'Non-ES language selection' and select 'British' (FOr english language).

Now, the Operating System is ready for use.

This was the process of installing the OS in VMware. To install this OS on your hard disk or to use it live the method is same. only the difference is that, you have to boot this OS from external USB device for installation on hard disk.

Step-4 :

Now, install WiFislax in this OS.

Follow this path,

Start >System >install WiFislax >GRUB2 installer (install GRUB2)

now, it will ask to creat paetition in your hard disk.

Device > Creat partition.

keep all other things as it is and click on apply. 

Step-5 :

Now, in starting we gave 10gb space to install the system, it will show here. Right click on that and click on 'Add'. and then click on apply to create the partition. Close the Gpart window.

When you close the Gpart window, installation process will be automatically start.It will ask for select the disk, Keep as it is, and select on 'OK'. 

Installation process is started, It will take about one to one and half hour to install the system, It depends on your device's speed also. 

After the installation process, you will have to select whether you want to install boot loader in MBR or ROOT (MBR recommanded).  After some time it will be installed in your system.

Now, restart the live OS, and boot with your virtual hard disk.

If you want to know more about this OS, Let me know in comment section ;  ) 

Thank you for Reading ; )

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