How to install and use PhishX in kali linux : Automated Phishing tool


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In this article you will learn about an advanced phishing tool PhishX. This tool is automatic tool used for phishing attacks.Generally phishing trick is a part of Social Engineering. Phishing is majorly famous trick for hackers. In this type of attack, hackers make a fake page and send the link to victim and if victim clicks on that link and login into that fake page (looks like an original page), hackers get their all information like ID, password, E-mail etc.

NOTE : This article is only for educational purpose, Never use this information for any kind of illegal purpose. If you will use this for illegal purpose then only you will be responsible for it.

So, Let's start..

How to install PhishX in Kali linux :

step-1 : Clone into PhishX

git clone

Step-2 : Give permission

cd PhishX


chmod +x


Step-3 : Run the tool


after giving this command, wait for some time about 5 minutes. the tool will download and install it's required data itself.

Step-4 : Start the attack


After giving this command the tool will show you some options like instagram, facebook, google and many other. Select the number given before the name whatever you want.

Then fill the information tool ask for.

If your tool do not run, then install 'geckodriver'

To insall geckodriver follow this command.

Step-1 : Install Python3

sudo apt install python3

sudo apt install python3-pip

Step-2 : install selenium 

pip install selenium

Step-3 : download latest version of geckodriver from Github.

Download link : ' '

Step-4 : Install the driver in your system


Step-5 : Check whether the file has downloaded or not 

sudo tar -xvf geckodriver-v0.27.0-llinux64.tar.gz


sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin/

cd /usr/local/bin/


Step-6 : give permission

chmod +x geckodriver


And the tool is installed in your system. Now, try to run PhishX tool, It will work now.

Thanks for reading ; )

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